It's all in Love - Part 2


The realization that love is the primal substance of everything and being in love is the fulfillment, that we all seek throughout our lives – automatically brings another angle. The realm of abundance, the answer to the primal need is not somewhere different, it’s within us.

Rumi wrote,

“The minute I heard my first love story

I started looking for you, not knowing

how blind that was.

Lovers don't finally meet somewhere.

They're in each other all along.”

We seek love outside unknown to the fact that the ocean of love flows inside, at the cores of our hearts. The reason for the lack of fulfillment through human relationships is that they are not adequately romantic. They do not involve love in its purest form and often are mixed with other feelings (lust, envy, sense of possession, etc) which are not as magical and as sacred as love.  And thus the possibility of fulfillment diminishes. To be truly seen, in most human relationships – we celebrate the concept of individuality, we love individuals, as individuals with the clearest possible understanding of the difference between the lover and the beloved in mind.

Almost everyone looking for love thus committing themselves to a never-ending search, and to the sorrow of never being able to find it. This is where the understanding of love as the sacred core of everything that exists helps, it helps by providing the strength to churn love to the best of its purity, it helps by removing all that is not love from the feeling of love, it helps to separate love from merely seeking material comfort.

Once love is churned to purity – it will push every button, try every faith, challenge every strength, trigger every weakness, mocks every value, and then leave you there with yourself. At this point, there is no worldly activity or material comfort that can match the joy of flying like an eagle through the skies of one’s own heart.

The feeling of a heart full of love in its pure form is the place from where the journey into the realm of abundance starts, carrying a heart full of love is carrying the whole universe inside. The same love which the universe is made of fills one's heart and puts her into the greatest continuum that stretches across all physical and mental objects – the being.

As Rumi said “Everything in the universe is within you”, understanding this continuum makes one lose the remains of differences between one individual self and the whole universe, the mystery of this sacred continuum of "being" makes every duality in the world vanish.  


~ Avirup Chakraborty

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