It’s all in Love - Part 1

 “Wherever you are and whatever you do, be in love” – Rumi   

In every heart, we carry the ability to love and we, in turn, want or need to be loved. This chemistry is ever-present within ourselves sometimes visible, sometimes in hidden form. In whichever form it is present, it is one of the greatest forces, mankind has been gifted with – this force changed people, brought revolutions, decided the fate of countries in fact shaped the civilization to be in the form we see it today.

This divine gift manifests to us in different ways, usually in form of human relationships like parents, partners, friends, children – in every case the fulfillment of the chemistry of being able to love and being loved brings fulfillment to ourselves. Our inability to face the denial of love in human relationships haunts and leads us to self-destructive patterns that go against our sense of fulfillment.

The existence of love however as seen by mystics extends to a different realm of consciousness. This mystic realm is the realm of abundance or fulfillment. All that we desire may be material including love from a specific person, but our deepest human need is not at all material. Rather it’s the focus on the body-mind complex and the pursuit to fulfill their needs, constantly gives us a sense of not being fulfilled – in result generating different 'wants' at different points. Once these are achieved the material want shifts to others, living us in the vicious circle of unfulfillment.

The door of the mystic realm to which love extends remains however within everyone beyond the body-mind complex.  That’s to the core of our being, in Rumi’s words that is the “return to the root of the root of your own being.” Discovering the realm leads us to realize the greatest secret of being, it’s all about love, and love is at the source of all that exists, it is the source of all that exists. Love is not only a feeling between two people, it is the substance, the energy, the divine spark that is present within everything.

Even a glimpse of this higher realm makes the seeker realize when in love, she has everything. The sense of unfulfillment inside is not material, but it is just a mere failure to understand and appreciate the connection we already have. 

Fulfillment has only one way, the way that goes through every heart to the realm of abundance – being in love.


~Avirup Chakraborty

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